Over the past 35 years we’ve established a black book of exceptional contacts.

Our objective is to make each and every one of our events truly unforgettable.

In reality, inviting, flying, transferring, welcoming, feeding, accommodating, inspiring and delivering a fabulous experience for 1250 people in Dubai demands exceptional organisational skills. But so too does a roadshow for 50 delegates in Exeter.

From the design and production of the delegates’ lanyards to the speaker support, menus, exhibition stands, supporting sponsors, accommodation, delegate registration and overall financial control, we have a forensic eye for detail.

A lot of our work goes unnoticed, and that’s just the way it should be. You will have one consistent point of contact throughout guaranteeing continuity from start to finish.


Venue Finding

As your venue finding agency we’ll provide creative options for your next event. We work quickly, resourcefully and globally. This is a complimentary service saving you time and money.


Event Management

A tailor made service encompassing all aspects of running an event anywhere in the world. We have experience of working with groups from 2 to 5,000 delegates.


Delegate Management

Our bespoke service provides the latest technology to ensure the delegate experience is efficient, yet with a personal touch.


Event Production

Every event starts as a blank canvas, and our production team is geared up to give you just the right level of support you need. We can provide highly creative content, brand experiences, customised room layouts, and much more.



We’re adept at taking shows on the road and all the variables that come with it. Let us share with you creative solutions in order to entice the delegates, ensuring higher attendance levels and a great return on your investment.

NEWS:Buzzing Budapest – but does it have the ‘wow’ factor?

Budapest, an enticing destination for rewarding incentive programmes and affordable meetings but does it still have the wow factor? We caught up with our MD Anthony Waite following a client event which took place in the city.

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NEWS:Copenhagen – An Exciting Incentive Activity

Did you know you can now go skiing on the outskirts of the city centre? No, not in the streets but atop a waste power plant with an artificial ski slope and recreational hiking area, CopenHill.

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NEWS:Mercedes Benz World

The Conference Contacts team recently held their company meeting at the renowned Mercedes Benz World located on the iconic Brooklands site in Weybridge, Surrey.

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We deliver. All over the World.

Event Management

European Company Virtual Christmas Party

Virtual Event, 120 Delegates

Venue Finding

Cyber Security Roadshow Launch

Central London, 100 Delegates

Event Management

Global Company Incentive

Global, 22 Winners

Venue Finding

Global Customer Event

The World Forum, The Hague, 1400 Delegates

Lets get your party started!

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